99-year celestial event first since 1918

Aug. 21, 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Stargazers, photographers and the curious will today join the 200 million people who live within the 70-mile wide path of the solar eclipse that cuts across 14 states.
The Plymouth community is by far not unique in the hype of the event that has stimulated the entire country, viewed mostly as entertainment except by those who are serious students or astronomers.
A group viewing of the eclipse is planned at Plymouth Township Park today from 12:30 until 4:30 p.m. Free safety glasses will be available while supplies last at the 4-Seasons Pavilion. Attendees are encouraged to bring a chair or blanket. Plymouth Township officials and Bosch Community Fund are making this event, hosted by the Plymouth Library, possible.
For more information, visit: plymouthlibrary.org.
Plymouth Voice.