August 2020
Plymouth VFW Post 6695 needs your help – now

Aug. 8, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “Friends of the post have established a GO-FUND-ME account” Don Howard Staff Writer They have survived gunfire, bombings and hand-to-hand combat in Vietnam, and as long ago as Korea and even World War II. They have survived helicopter flights into
City adopts new rules for “bigfoot” homes

Aug. 6, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED Don Howard Staff Writer After years of complaints and protests about the invasion of monstrous new houses and radical remodeling, a zoning ordinance amendment to limit the size of homes by a ratio of square footage to lot
Plymouth Township election results no surprise

Aug. 5, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED Don Howard Staff Writer Resident voters in Plymouth Township registered a laudable 43 percent turnout for Tuesday’s Michigan Primary Election, besting 2016 election participants by almost 10 percent. There were 10,343 votes cast. Absentee voting, included in the
Exercise your right to vote – voice your opinion

Aug. 3, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News We urge every voter to exercise their right to vote and voice their opinion on Tuesday. The voters will choose the choices and candidates the remainder of voters will see on the November ballot. No matter which side of the political