Student radio station to host record show
Jan. 25, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Thousands of vinyl records, CDs, import only releases, t-shirts, posters and other collectibles will be on display when 88.1 The Park presents the 11th annual 88.1 Record show on Saturday, Feb. 16.
The show will be open from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Salem High School cafeteria and proceeds will benefit the nationally-recognized student radio station operated by the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools.
The show will feature special giveaways and door prizes in addition to a wide-variety of vendors. The radio station expects to build on the success of the show last year, which was the largest ever with a crowd of more 420 people attending.
Much of the success of the show can be tied to the resurgence of interest in vinyl records, according to student station personnel.
“Some people would like you think that music is all digital now, but the record show proves that all wrong. It’s amazing to see so many music fans, from all generations, together in one place, said Fiona Hughes, program director at 88.1 The Park.
Admission to the record show, during normal show hours is $3. Collectors looking to get an early start can gain early admission between 9 and 10 a.m. for $5. Students at Canton, Plymouth and Salem high schools will be admitted to the show at no cost.
All the proceeds of the sale will benefit 88.1 The Park and will help the station to continue serving the community with programming and broadcast training for students. The record show is one of the main fundraisers for the station each year.
Interested dealers can contact Station Manger Bill Keith at (734) 416-7732 or by email at Either-foot tables can be reserved for $30 each.
Salem High School is located at 46181 Joy Road in Canton at the corner of Joy and Canton Center roads. The Salem High sCool cafeteria is located on the first floor, just inside the main entrance to the school.
Plymouth Voice.