Vehicle thefts in township leave residents and neighbors uneasy

One suspect apprehended.
Plymouth Township Police said detectives arrested one suspect early today in the Bradbury condominium subdivision after an attempted vehicle larceny, relative to those incidents reported by
At approximately 4:00 a.m. two suspects were interrupted in the process of stealing tires and wheels from parked vehicles in the Bradbury condominium senior complex. Both suspects fled the scene and one suspect was located nearby hiding inside a parked vehicle.
No description or other information was released regarding either suspect or other pertinent details about the incident.
Police Chief Thomas Tiderington said they believe the suspects are part of a larger criminal group involved in numerous similar incidents in Wayne County and that Lake Pointe and Bradbury subdivisions were the hardest hit areas.
Residents are being advised to be vigilant, keep outdoor lights on at night and to immediately contact the Plymouth Township Police Department regarding any suspicious activity in their area.
|News Plymouth Michigan
Oct. 11, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
In Plymouth Township there appears to be an epidemic of vehicle thefts while residents are sleeping in their homes.
According to many recent news reports and police logs, the thieves, apparent professionals, make little noise working quickly and quietly in their victim’s driveways during the night.
Continued news reports detail stories of the robbers steeling the tires and wheels off late model cars after disabling outside lights. Victims reported when they awake they find their vehicles up on blocks and the tires and wheels missing.
For the past two months numerous reports have filled the pages of the township police department log book.
It appears no area is exempt, as incidents have occurred in subdivisions from east to west.
Homeowner organizations are advising residents to leave lights on at night; garage doors closed and immediately report any suspicious activity in their area to the township police.
One resident who lives on Beacon Hill Drive said he’s afraid it might happen again after his Lincoln was targeted and isn’t sure what to do now. He said thieves removed parts of his outside motion-detector light and neatly placed them on the ground, never making a sound.
Last week two new incidents were reported. One occurred on Beechwood Court and another on Plymouth Lake Circle.
In another recent account the same methodology was used, this time on Farmbrook Drive in Lake Pointe.
|News Plymouth Michigan