Wayne County Circuit Court
Detroit sues Plymouth Township after bungled $600,000 land purchase

Kenneth Cockrel, Jr., Chairperson, Detroit City Council – Budget, Finance and Audit Standing Committee, reviewing Plymouth’s land purchase in 2012. May 2, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Incompetence or willful maneuver; courts will decide outcome According to court documents, the City of Detroit has filed suit in the Wayne
Former judge urges change

July 26, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. “…we have the opportunity to make a positive change in our township board of trustees.” Marvin Stempien. LETTERS To the editor; I have been a resident of the Plymouth community and Colony Farms subdivision for the past 27 years. It was my privilege
Why Were Voters Denied Right to Vote?
July 6, 2012 CITIZENS FOR CHANGE . JUNE 2012 – PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP INFORMATIONAL LETTER. THERE IS MORE TO THE CONTROVERSY THAN FIRE AND EMS PROTECTION Trustees deny Plymouth Township residents their rights This letter is about more than the firefighter/EMS issue. It is about citizens being denied answers
Layoffs continue, fire station No. 2 is closed

March 8, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. At a special meeting of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees last Thursday, board members voted 6-1 to immediately lay off six firefighters, leaving a full-time staff of 14 to protect a community of 28,000 residents. Following an emotionally charged meeting, Fire Chief Mark
Citizen group proves “You can fight city hall”
November 23, 2011 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. No matter what the outcome of the hearing in Wayne County Circuit Court may be, members of the Citizens Action Group in Plymouth Township deserved a resounding thank you from residents across the state. These people have taken the elected leaders in their municipality