Veteran police office retires

Aug. 11, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Police Capt. Dustin Krueger worked his last day in nearly 27 years at the department on Friday, July 21. An informal party for staff members and friends helped him celebrate his retirement under the awning of the police department entrance.
Distinguished Canton police veteran retires from force

Dec. 9, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News After a 28-year career with the Canton Public Safety Department, Police Lt. Patrick Sullivan has retired. Sullivan began his law enforcement career with the department in 1991 as a patrolman. He was promoted to the rank of sergeant in 2007
Northville honors 30-year career of safety director

Dec. 30, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Fond Farewell John Werth stood in front of the Northville Township Board of Trustees one final time and took a short breath. He had just finished extolling the virtues of a police department that is celebrating its 50th anniversary,