Red Kettle Drive
Christmas season is about helping and sharing

Nov 29, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Within the affluent Plymouth community, we find there are many friends and neighbors that have met financial difficulty this past year and in are dire need of help. They include those who have everyday struggles and may have suffered
Plymouth Tree Lighting planned

Nov. 5, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO This year, the Main Street Boulevard Tree Lighting and Salvation Army Red Kettle Kick Off ceremony sponsored by the Plymouth Downtown Development Authority will take place Nov. 14. This will be the fifth year for the event, which
Christmas Cheer in Plymouth

WATCH VIDEO Nov. 16, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. The Salvation Army Band warms up an enthusiastic crowd in Plymouth’s Kellogg Park Friday evening for the annual tree lighting ceremony and the kick off of the Red Kettle Drive. |News Plymouth Michigan