Michigan Court of Appeals
Former Michigan Judge appointed to Child Abuse board

May 8, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder May 3 announced the appointment of Michael Talbot of Plymouth to the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board. The 11-person board promotes the health, safety, and welfare of Michigan’s children and families by funding local programs
Township loses court land case

Attorney Mike Cox represented the township in the court hearing, shown here at Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting last month. Photo by Don Howard. Jan. 25, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The three-judge panel at the Michigan Court of Appeals has upheld the decision of Circuit
Appeals court ruling favors township
Dec. 20, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. ‘Township officials then increased the amount requested to 10 mills with the authority to levy the amount annually’ Three Michigan court of Appeals judges have ruled in favor of Plymouth Township, determining that the township had the authority to set the millage rate
Legislator’s conduct questioned

July 26, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. “Heise’s law partner and his law firm are racking up thousands of dollars in legal fees each month to fight his own constituents.” LETTERS To the editor; I always held the thought that state representatives represented the people, tried to improve the communities they
Why Were Voters Denied Right to Vote?
July 6, 2012 CITIZENS FOR CHANGE . JUNE 2012 – PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP INFORMATIONAL LETTER. THERE IS MORE TO THE CONTROVERSY THAN FIRE AND EMS PROTECTION Trustees deny Plymouth Township residents their rights This letter is about more than the firefighter/EMS issue. It is about citizens being denied answers