State Oks DeHoCo demolition funds

State Representative Kurt Heise
Photo: © Don Howard/Associated Newspapers of Michigan
May 11, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The demolition of the former Detroit House of Corrections facility in Plymouth Township awaits only the signature of Gov. Rick Snyder.
Last week, the state Senate unanimously approved legislation that will provide up to $4 million to demolish the two unsightly buildings located on Five Mile Road.
“The support for the DeHoCo demolition is great to see, as the community agrees this site is long overdue for remediation,” said Rep. Kurt Heise, R-Plymouth Township. “The state of Michigan has a responsibility to remove this unsightly eyesore that has been hindering economic development and job creation along the Five Mile Road corridor.”
House Bill 5163 would close the Urban Land Assembly Load Fund (ULALF) and transfer approximately $4 million to the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Fund. The Fast Track Fund currently controls the property that has been unused for approximately 30 years.
Heise emphasized that additional federal, state and local funding would be needed to remove the two buildings on the property and completely rehabilitate the site for possible future development.
“This legislation is perhaps the most significant step,” said Heise. “The support this bill has received, from the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce to Wayne County to Michigan Talent and Economic Development, along with the strong majority votes in the Legislature tells me we can get this done. I look forward to getting Gov. Rick Snyder’s signature on this legislation.”
Plymouth Voice.