Reaume’s exit cannot come soon enough

Oct. 30, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News

An editorial posted this week by a local newspaper seemingly looked as if the publication might have turned the corner to finally provide a credible report on Plymouth Township Supervisor Richard Reaume and his asinine behavior, something they have seemed to ignore month after month, story after story.
The opinion piece begins, “We’d like to believe Plymouth Township Supervisor Richard Reaume…” and continues with adjectives like, “frivolous, ridiculous, nastiness,” telling of the raucous board meetings he has perpetuated with inept indifference and weak leadership skills, but quickly loses credibility after stating, “…Reaume would do well to simply drop it…”
The same publication last month sent a mixed message, hinting of Reaume’s ineptitude, but suggesting the people trying to remove four officials with an elections recall might wait. “We think the group might be better served – and its time, effort and resources better spent -by finding qualified candidates to run for those offices in 2016.”
Things are so bad, Plymouth Township is on fire with out-of-control spending, irate residents and the entire board embroiled in a recall campaign.
When are the spins and mis-truths going to end and how much more will the public believe about Richard Reaume? Why, oh why, would anyone want to protect him and slant public views?
Let’s see, who is Richard Reaume anyway?
This is the guy who sent out grant applications with blatantly false information to the state for grant funding, and then said it was a “clerical error,” who reduced the fire department staffing to unsafe levels as recommended by the National Fire Safety Board, who failed to provide adequate safety equipment to township employees (fire department).
This is the guy who failed to properly oversee reporting of drug forfeiture funds in the police department prompting an official federal audit, who failed to properly oversee financial reporting in both the treasurer and clerk’s office, who said the Department of Justice audit was a “training exercise” and then “we turned ourselves in”. Now his story is that it is a “routine audit.”
This is the jerk who rode around with a Vietnam Vet license plate on his car until he got caught by guys who were actually there.
This is the man who said not to send out the proper forms to township businesses for the Single Business Tax exemption “because it could be amended later.”
This is a man who finds a far-fetched and usually false rationalization every time he is caught committing an illegal, unethical or immoral act, a vindictive, petty man who continues to perpetuate his unique brand of chicanery in township hall without any consequence.
Until now.
We disagree with the local publication which has, until lately, seemed to validate Reaume’s excuses and illogical explanations. We don’t think Plymouth Township can wait another two years…not when the safety of residents is threatened every day, not when the department of justice is demanding answers about where township funds have gone and not when outside auditors have given the township the worst possible rating. The Voice strongly supports the recall effort.
Reaume’s exit cannot come soon enough.
Plymouth Voice.