Popular VFW Friday Night Fish Fry set

Feb. 2, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Take advantage of an opportunity to support your local VFW Post and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Plymouth Lt. Gamble VFW Post 6695 is set to again host their acclaimed Friday Night Fish Fry starting Feb. 9, and every Friday night during Lent- from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. running through Mar. 30, with the exception Feb. 16 when the post kitchen is closed.
Offered will be your-choice of Cod, Walleye, Shrimp or Chicken Strips. Dinners include French Fries, Baked Potato or Mac and Cheese, Cole Slaw, Roll & Butter and Free Coffee. Also guest can take advantage of their desert table and a 50-50 raffle drawing.
The Plymouth VFW Post is located at 1426 S Mill Street (Lilley Rd.), just north of Ann Arbor Rd.
Plymouth Voice.