Plymouth parking fines are restructured

Jan. 10, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Visitors to downtown Plymouth would be wise not to malinger
The Plymouth Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has recently adopted a new fine scheduled for parking violations of the 2- hour on-street and parking-deck spots. While the first offense for staying too long in the parking spot is free, the charges escalate rapidly for second, third and even fourth offenses in the same year.
In a letter sent to business owners last week, the DDA reminded business owners downtown of the new graduated parking fine schedule, effective Jan. 3. Overtime parking fines will now be based on the number of tickets offenders have received during the previous 12-month period.
The first overtime parking infraction is a warning of sorts and includes no fine. The second offense will cost the vehicle owner $25, the third offense $50 and the fourth and all subsequent parking infractions will cost $75 per ticket. In addition, late fees of $10 will be added to the fines if they are unpaid within 14 days. A reduction of $15 for each amount will be deducted if the ticket is paid within 48 hours of issue.
The areas impacted are the lower level of the parking deck downtown and the lot off Penniman, where there is a three-hour limit. There is a two-hour limit on all on-street parking throughout the downtown area.
One year from the issuance of the first, free parking ticket, the schedule will reset for individual vehicle owners allowing for a first time infraction at no cost, with the subsequent fee schedule enforced with the second offense.
In the letter informing local businesses of the new regulations, the DDA suggested, “To avoid getting tickets at all, there are 8-hour (all day) parking lots behind the Penn Theatre and at the corner of Harvey and Wing, as well as the upper level of the parking deck.”
The letter also reminded businesses in the area about private parking.
“If you choose to park in a private lot, you will not be ticketed by the city. However, you may be subject to being towed by the owner of the private lot.”
The letter urged all business owners to inform employees and customers of the changes and new fees “to avoid any confusion and avoid receiving tickets.”
The letter reminded business owners that the city is purchasing the parking lot adjacent to the Christian Science facility on Ann Arbor Trail, west of Harvey Street. The letter assured businesses that the completion of that transaction would provide an additional 100 spaces which will allow all-day parking.