No charges for PCCS student after posting racist video

May 12, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Pundits often say American life today appears to be constantly at, or above, the brink of violence.
We agree.
When claims of racism constantly permeate the conversation at every social media post, TV talk show, podcast, media outlet and newspaper report, is it no surprise hatred would show up in our schools.
Is prosecution of our minor children for slander the answer or should we start with parental responsibility and parents talking to their children about anti-racism at the kitchen table in our homes.
In the case of the 18-year-old Plymouth Canton Community School student that allegedly used his phone to film and post a video in which he used derogatory terms for Black people, stating he hated Blacks and threatened to kill them by hanging, stomping or shooting them, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said yesterday in a statement she won’t pursue the case because witnesses are not cooperating with the investigation and they don’t have sufficient evidence.
Unfortunate or not.
“In the case, the witnesses refused to cooperate with the prosecution…unfortunately, we could not go forward and the case was denied. If the witnesses decide to change their minds, we certainly encourage them to contact the police.”
Not unexpectedly, since the video, created and posted by a district student was discovered, three racially biased and threatening posters have been found in the high schools.
Parents expressed their concern about the student who made threats of lynching and used the N-word on the video remaining in classes along with their children. One parent initiated an online petition demanding district officials address racism and intolerance more aggressively. Nearly 500 signatures have been reported on the petition to date.R
Plymouth Canton School District Superintendent Monica Merritt and administrators took swift action following the discovery of the video including reporting the action to the Canton Police Department where an investigation took place. Merritt also sent a district-wide letter to parents informing them of the school policies which do not tolerate such actions.
As the student who allegedly made the threatening video is a minor, police and school officials are prohibited from releasing the identity of the individual responsible for the video. Merritt said the discovery of the racially-biased posters has also been reported to police and that the issue is being handled in accordance with the district policy regarding such situations. She said police discovered the individuals responsible for the posters within 48 hours of the report and that appropriate action was pursued.
“At P-CCS, we do not tolerate acts of hate or bigotry within our schools,” said Merritt said in a letter to parents.
“Only by working together will we be able to eradicate these types of incidents across our communities. Thus, I would urge (parents of district students) to continue to have an open dialogue with your children about the importance of fostering an inclusive environment where all are welcome.
Plymouth Voice.