Fire at former state hospital site ruled arson

May 14, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Northville Township Police report five individuals were held on location last Wednesday after responding to a fire at the former site of the Northville Psychiatric State Hospital on Seven Mile Road, west of Haggerty.
Township police and fire personnel responding to reports of black smoke coming from the area that is now designated Legacy Park found two abandoned buildings fully engulfed in flames. According to the report after-in custody interviews with those held, police believe arsonists were responsible for both fires they claim were intentionally set.
The hospital was open from 1952 until 2003. In the years since it closed the property owned by Northville Township has become somewhat of a mecca for urban adventurists and ghost-hunters. After hundreds were arrested annually for trespassing the police-department established a zero-tolerance policy and regularly monitor social media sites for postings about the property.
Information regarding the incident has been sent to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office for review and pending charges.
Plymouth Voice.