Make A Difference Day seeking area volunteers

Oct. 19, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Plymouth Community United Way is seeking volunteers to help make a difference in the community.
The annual Make a Difference Day will take place on Saturday, Nov. 17 this year and the community group is hoping to provide enough volunteers to rake leaves and provide light outdoor labor for senior citizens and those with disabilities in both Plymouth and Canton.
Volunteers will be helping to provide fall clean-up in both communities. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast at Plymouth First United Methodist Church. After breakfast, teams will head out to homes in the community.
Volunteers are asked to register with Erica Garbacz by Oct. 26 at (734) 453-6879 x5 or erica.garbacz@pcuw.orgor online at
Garbacz said the event is perfect for families, youth groups, local companies, “or just about anyone. Come with friends, or alone—we will match you with a great group of hardworking team members.”
Volunteers younger than 18 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Volunteers should be prepared to bring rakes, gloves and other yard tools if available. United Way will supply lawn bags secured through grants and donations.
Those older than 65 or who are disabled and could benefit from the free service, can contact Garbacz at to register at the number or addresses above.
Serving the Plymouth, Canton and Western Wayne County area since 1944, Plymouth Community United Way addresses human service needs of individuals and families.
Plymouth Voice.