House Rep blasts ex-Michigan lawmakers

Sep. 19, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Rep Kurt Heise, a Plymouth Township Republican who is attending the GOP Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island blasted the two ex-Michigan lawmakers embroiled in a sex-scandal that want to run again for their old seats. Heise who was vice-chair of the committee that recommended their expulsion spoke out this week about Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, during an interview with Associated Press.
Courser resigned last week and Gamrat was expelled and filed Thursday to run for her old seat, joining seven other Republicans and one Democrat.
“They are narcissistic and their decisions to run are a further mockery of the Legislature, the democratic process and the electorate.” Heise said during the interview.
“These two people need to get on with their lives. This is unhealthy for both them as individuals and for our political process.”
Heise also questioned whether Gamrat would be permitted to run again given that her expulsion is for the remainder of the two-year term. He suggested a candidate in the 80th House District should sue.
Heise said that if Gamrat and Courser were elected the House would have the authority to not seat them.
“That’s a scenario that I hope never plays out and we don’t have to go there.”
The special primary will be November 3 and the special general election will be held March 8.
Plymouth Voice.