Hats for the Homeless

Before long the cold temperatures will have Michigan residents shivering and not everyone is lucky enough to afford hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves to keep them warm this winter.
The Plymouth Community United Way has started the 2013 drive to collect Hats for the Homeless and those struggling financially. Through the end of the year, the agency is accepting new hats, gloves, scarves, and socks for men, women and children. New blankets are needed as well.
Last year, the Plymouth Community United Way distributed more than 1900 items. Donations can be dropped off at Plymouth Community United Way, 960 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 2, Plymouth, or arrangements can be made for pickup of large quantities. For information, contact Randi Williams at (734) 453-6879, Ext. 7 or randi.williams@pcuw.org
Plymouth Community United Way raises funds year round for a variety of services from food pantries to an emergency dental fund, bus transportation for seniors, housing for adults with developmental disabilities, programs and a shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children, and opportunities for youth to develop skills and become valuable members of the community.
Visit www.plymouthunitedway.org to learn about a variety of ways to give and volunteer.
Together we can accomplish what no individual or organization can do alone.
Serving the Plymouth, Canton and Western Wayne County area since 1944, Plymouth Community United Way strives to address human service needs of individuals and families.
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