Gas station is part of Kroger expansion plan

Mar. 28, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Northville Township officials have scheduled a public hearing for 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 29 regarding a request by The Kroger Co. to rezone property at the corner of Haggerty and Five Mile Road, opposite Lake Pointe, the largest subdivision in Plymouth Township.
Public comment will take place at the Planning Commission hearing at the Northville Township Hall at 44405 Six Mile Road.
The re-zoning of the property is the first step in a planned expansion for Kroger. If the Planning Commission approves the Kroger rezoning, the project will go before the Northville Township Board of Trustees in April. Kroger Communications Manager Ken McClure was unavailable for comment.
Jennifer Frey, Northville Township director of community development, said there are various factors the commissioners will consider, such as suitability and traffic flow before Kroger can submit a site plan. Located at the same intersection as the Kroger store is a Marathon gas station, a strip mall and Cantoro Italian Market.
Northville Chiropractic and Massage Clinic currently occupy the subject property owned by The Kroger Co.
Plymouth Voice.