Fast police response results in arrest of bank robbery suspect

Aug. 11, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
After a fast response to a reported bank robbery Tuesday afternoon Canton police say they are holding a suspect and waiting for approval of a warrant request sent to the Wayne County prosecutor’s office. The request names the suspect caught exiting the Chase Bank branch located on Ford and Canton Center Road.
Police in a news release said the lone suspect immediately retreated back into the bank and allowed all of the occupants to leave the building upon observing the first patrol car arriving on the scene at about 4:30 p.m.. After a short time police said the suspect surrendered into police custody.
There we no reported injuries to anyone, including bank employees and customers.
In the past few years there have been several reported bank robberies in Canton. One prior robbery occurred at another Chase branch located at Michigan and Canton Center Road on Nov. 5, 2020. Other banks in Canton where robberies have occurred are Citizens Bank-Canton Center Road, Citizens Bank – Ford and Haggerty Roads, and Huntington Bank – Michigan Ave.
If the warrant is approved the suspect will scheduled for arraignment in the 35th District Court.
Plymouth Voice.