Fake identity irks LWV

Moderator Roberta Young at 2016 Plymouth Township voters forum
Jul. 31, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Letter to the Editor
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization that never supports or opposes any candidate or political party. We were, therefore, dismayed to see that Ron Edwards, a candidate for Plymouth Township Treasurer, used the League of Women Voters name in a campaign flier sent to local voters this week.
To be clear:
- Mr. Edwards is not a member of the League of Women Voters.
- Mr. Edwards did not participate in the 2016 League of Women Voters Candidate Forum for Plymouth Township candidates held on June 30, 2016.
- Mr. Edwards did not respond to the League of Women Voters 2016 Voter Guide questionnaire.
- Mr. Edwards was not authorized to use the name of the League of Women Voters in his campaign material.
Angela Ryan, President
League of Women Voters of NW Wayne County
Plymouth Voice
Photo: © Don Howard / Associated Newspapers