Expense of holiday lights questioned by trustees

Dec. 19, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Don Howard
Staff Writer
Two township trustees who peppered Plymouth Township Treasurer Ron Edwards with questions during a budget workshop last week said they were aghast to discover the cost of new holiday lights installed at Fire Station No. 3.
Edwards referred the questions from Trustees Bob Doroshewitz and Chuck Curmi to Township Fire Chief Dan Phillips. The chief said the cost to decorate the fire station located at the corner of Beck and Territorial roads was $16,000.
An audible gasp was heard from residents in the audience, prompting a laugh from Edwards.
Phillips said that former Township Supervisor Richard Reaume purchased the new LED lights last January which included a 20-foot long commercial scroll that reads “Happy Holidays.”
Trustee Bob Doroshewitz asked how Reaume was able to “pull-off” the purchase when officials who hold credit cards are supposed to be limited to $15,000 per transaction.
Neither Edwards nor Supervisor Shannon Price responded to his question although the audience’ reaction was again audible throughout the meeting room.
Phillips said that when he recently inquired about the lights, he was told by officials, “You might as well use ’em.”
Invoices included with the March and June board information packets detailed separate payments made to Bronner’s, a Christmas store in Frankenmuth. The cost for the LED lighted scroll alone was $5,429.
Phillips said the shipments were placed in the DPW building when they were received.
After the meeting, Phillips said it took him and his working staff two and a half days to put up the display and there were extra lights which were not used. He said that all employees installing the display were being paid during the time of the work.
Plymouth Voice.