Emergency food distribution set

Feb. 13, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
The next distribution of emergency food by Plymouth Community United Way is scheduled Thursday, Feb. 21.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program provides low-income Plymouth and Northville residents with canned and non-perishable items.
All recipients must be pre-registered. This is a supplemental food program that may be used in addition to other assistance programs. Bridge Card holders automatically qualify, but need to pre-register.
Recipients not currently on governmental assistance (food stamps, ADC and general) must provide documentation including proof of income and residency before receiving food on distribution days.
Distributions continue the third Thursday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at St. Kenneth Catholic Church in Plymouth.
For information and to register, call Samantha Bray at (734) 453-6879, ext. 6, or send email to unitedway@pcuw.org.