Cousins charged with area home invasions

Sept. 30, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
A pair of cousins has been bound over for trial in a series of home invasions including crimes in Canton and Plymouth townships.

Members of the Western Wayne County Criminal Response Team (CRT) witnessed Michael Rhodes, 24, of Northville Township and his cousin, Richard Rhodes Jr., 19, of Canton Township, commit what appeared to be a home invasion and burglary at a home in Farmington Hills. The pair was under surveillance, according to reports from the Plymouth Township police, after several home invasions and larcenies from vehicles had been reported in that community during the past several months.
Police said that sometime between 9 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. Sept. 8, a resident on the 44000 block of Governor Bradford reported that unknown subject had entered the home by forcing open an unlocked window in the back of the house. Once inside, the perpetrators ransacked the home and took two flat-screen televisions and jewelry. Plymouth Township police detectives learned that on the same day, a similar home invasion occurred in Canton Township.

Plymouth Township requested the assistance of CRT, which is comprised of officers from Michigan State Police, Canton Township, Northville Township, Plymouth Township and the Livonia Police Department. Through various investigative techniques, police said, detectives were able to identify the two possible suspects in the Plymouth Township home invasion.
CRT officers then conducted extensive surveillance of the two suspects and on Sept. 12, the two were observed driving a black Chevy pick-up truck. The pair were followed to several pawn shops in Oakland County where they attempted to sell jewelry and items believed stolen from other home robberies, according to police reports.
The two were then followed to a residential neighborhood in Farmington Hills where officers reported seeing them drive very slowly through the neighborhood apparently looking for an unoccupied home, according to police reports.
Officers watched as the pair disappeared from view and apparently entered a home they had targeted. The two suspects were seen carrying items out of the residence, including a large television which they placed in the bed of the pick-up truck. CRT officers notified Farmington Hills Police that a home invasion had, in fact, taken place and the suspects were arrested by Farmington Hills officers, with the stolen TV still in the truck, according to police reports when they stopped at a nearby gas station.
After being arraigned on charges in that incident in Farmington Hills, both suspects were taken into custody and charged by Plymouth Township for the Sept. 9 home invasion and robbery.
Detectives from Canton Township, Farmington Hills and Livonia were also able to link the suspects to other home invasions occurring over the last few months in their communities, according to police reports.
The cousins were arraigned Sept. 15 in 35th District Court on two counts of felony Home Invasion. Judge Michael Gerou set a cash bond for each of the suspects at $100,000.
Plymouth Voice.