Last outdoor summer concert in Plymouth this weekend

Aug. 29, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO The popular band Atomic Radio will cap another season of Music in the Air Concert Series in Plymouth’s Kellogg Park on September 2. The summer fun outdoor concerts started with blues band Motor City Josh just before Memorial
Annual Whipple award presented to Malcoms

Aug. 16, 2022 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The prestigious Ruth Huston-Whipple Award for Civic Engagement was awarded this year to Mark and Patty Malcolm. The couple, longtime Plymouth residents, have been unstinting community supporters and historic preservationists in the city of Plymouth, officials said. The award is presented
Sidewalks should be for transportation-not auxiliary restaurant space

Aug. 13, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Watch Video A battle is building over how downtown streets are envisioned and designed in Plymouth and Northville as many of the pandemic driven street changes are now being made permanent. In the past two-years bars and restaurants
DTE struggles to restore power to Plymouth Township

Aug. 6, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Three days after a rain and wind storm hit the Plymouth area electrical linemen are still working in Lake Pointe. Powerful winds in excess of 60 mph blew across the metro Detroit area on Wednesday afternoon causing widely scattered power outages.
Greatest respects to last living World War II Medal of Honor recipient

Jul. 16, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Semper Fi The passing of Hershel W “Woody” Williams at age 98 marks not just a death from a hero, but the end of a line of heroes of the Greatest Generation. Retired U.S. Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer Hershel W
Bumpers – Bikes & Bands set to rev-up Old Village

July 12, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News There’s a perfect opportunity to enjoy a Sunday afternoon car and motorcycle show and at the same time explore Plymouth’s unique Old Village area. Bumpers, Bikes and Bands is an annual street fair, car show and music fest set for, Sunday,
Plymouth Fife and Drum to perform in Boston next week

July 8 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News By: Dan Murphy Charlestown Patriot-Bridge Charlestown, MA. As part of its East Coast tour, which kicks off Monday, Michigan-based Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps (PFDC) will be performing on Wednesday, July 13, in Boston, making stops at three historic sites in Charlestown.
The most important sentence ever written in this country

July 4, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Mi As Americans celebrate Independence Day with parades and fireworks, we should recognize what makes our country special. America is great because of the founding ideals and fundamental freedoms first articulated in our Declaration of Independence and later guaranteed by our Constitution and
Plymouth Township board members appoint new trustee

July 1, 2022 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Trustees named Jennifer Buckley to fill the vacant term on the board. The term has been vacant since May 10 when former Trustee Bob Doroshewitz was named as the new township treasurer, replacing Mark Clinton, who resigned his position due to
Township welcomes new Police Chief James Knittel

Jun. 29, 2022 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The new Plymouth Township police chief brings three decades of law enforcement experience to the Job. James Harrington Knittel was named to the chief’s position last month to replace long-time Police Chief Tom Tiderington who recently retired. Knittel, 53, who was