Weekend Ahead

Mettetal Airport open house
In celebration of Michigan Aviation Month, the Canton- Plymouth Mettetal Airport will be hosting an open house from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. this Saturday, Sept. 27.
Former WVIV Chief Meteorologist Chuck Gaidica will be the opening emcee at the event and will discuss some new meteorology safety equipment for pilots and airfields.
New Airport Manager Jim Morency, who will be introduced to the public during the event, said there would be several free activities for visitors.
“The day will be a special opportunity to learn about general aviation along with engine and airframe job possibilities for the future. We will have some vintage aircraft and plenty of static educational displays,” he said.
The airport will have helicopter flights available and there will be a wide assortment of historic model aircraft and remote controlled airplanes showcased.
The Michigan Institute of Aviation Technology will have a booth and representatives from the Yankee Air Museum will be present, Morency said. The EAA Chapter #113 will have information on their “Young Eagles Introduction Flights” during the open house, too.
Flight Instructors from Solo Aviation will present information regarding flight lessons and ground school during the event and docents will be available to answer questions regarding aviation history in Michigan. The event will be an opportunity for students to see if aviation might be in their future, Morency added.
Studio musician and local entertainer Wally Gibson will provide background music and refreshments will be presented by Chef Tommy Sekmistrz from the Eldorado Catering Co.
Mettetal Airport is located at 8550 North Lilley Road in Canton.
Run 4 the Rouge fundraiser Saturday in Canton
Friends of the Rouge, an area non-profit organization dedicated to promoting restoration of the Rouge River, will sponsor Run 4 the Rouge Sept. 27 in Canton Township.
The event will feature a 4-mile trail run or a 2-mile walk along the Lower Rouge River. The timed-run will begin at Connections Church, located at 3855 South Sheldon Road in Canton and participants will be treated to scenic views and outdoor family fun. ”It’s a beautiful trail to run orwalk,” said Cyndi Ross, river restoration program manager for Friends of the Rouge. “It’s a great opportunity for people who want to get outside and have some fun and help make a difference.”
Ross said competitive and recreational runners and walkers alike are encouraged to take part in the event.
Registration for the race is $35 per individual, and several sponsorship levels and donation options are also available in place of participation. Check-in will take place at 8 a.m. the day of the event and the run and walk will start at 9 a.m. The run is being organized in partnership with Wayne County Parks and Canton Township, as well as with support from Total Runner and Road ID, champion sponsor Environmental Consulting & Technology and MVP sponsor Utility Lines Construction Services, Inc. Ross said organizers are look-
ing for volunteer registration assistants and course marshals for the race day. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact the group at (313) 792-9900.
Proceeds collected from the run will assist the non-profit Friends of the Rouge in its effort to promote restoration and stewardship of the Rouge River ecosystem through education, citizen involvement and other collaborative efforts. Ross said funding supports upcoming efforts such as an erosion management project Oct. 4 in Northville as well as a “Bug Hunt” aquatic insect monitoring event Oct. 25 in Livonia.
For more information about the mission of Friends of the Rouge and other upcoming events, or to register to participate in or sponsor the run, visit TheRouge.org or contact the number above.
Fishing Derby Saturday
Fishermen of all shapes and sizes will be reeling in more than 800 rainbow trout at the 19th Annual Wayne County Parks Fishing Derby at Waterford Bend Park in Northville beginning at 8 a.m. this Saturday, Sept. 27.
The Rouge River will be stocked with rainbow trout for children, ages 12 and younger, to have some fishing fun, participate in contests and win prizes, officials from Wayne County said. The event is free, however, participants must bring their own fishing equipment and bait. A fishing license is not required.
Registration will continue from 7:30 until 8 a.m. when fishing for children younger than 12 will begin and last until 10 a.m.
At 10, fishing for all ages will take place for about a half hour before the presentation of prizes.
Event co-sponsors include the Vietnam Veterans of America Plymouth -Canton Chapter 528, Cabela’s, Eppinger Manufacturing and Northville Parks and Recreation Department.
Waterford Bend Park is located in Hines Park at the corner of Six Mile and Northville Road in Northville.
For more information on the Fishing Derby or any other Wayne County Parks event, call (734) 261-1990 or visit www.parks.waynecounty.com
Plymouth Voice.