Tom Parrelly
War of words continues in Plymouth

Oct. 25, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Administrators at the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) are reeling this week after recent surprise visits by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and representatives from MI-OHSA, the state Occupational Health Department, and a TV
Downtown battleground

Oct. 18, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Arts and recreation millage spawns opposition groups The ballot proposal to fund the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex has become one of the most contentious issues facing voters in both the city and township. Last week, a second or
What is happening to the civility in our community?

Oct. 7, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Newspaper and magazine journalists play a cultural role. Historians go back hundreds of years and study printed advertisements, photographs and obituaries to try to understand the past. Community newspapers try to tell true stories and provide factual information for readers. It is an