State Representatives
Salem’s sewage is a real threat

Mar. 25, 2024 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION DOES ANYONE CARE? We recognize that people in our community do inherently care about the issues at hand if they’re informed and overcome community apathy and get involved. Here is a critically important issue that needs our full community
Our elected officials are supposed to represent us

Jul. 12, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News ‘National Popular Vote’ scheme would make Michigan electorally irrelevant OPINION “The integrity of our elections now rests in the hands of Michigan’s legislature.” By: Michael Bars Michigan voters have long played a pivotal role in presidential elections, until now. The House Elections
Residents oppose sewage plant in their backyard

Apr. 22, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Hot Water The plan for a new wastewater treatment plant in Salem Township has reached a boiling point with neighboring Plymouth Township residents and officials. Now two State representatives are lending support and taking an opposing stand. In a strongly worded