McClumpha Park
Volunteers wanted to plant new trees

Sep. 20, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Township needs 40 volunteers to plant new trees in McClumpha Park. Prospective planters have only until Sept. 28 to sign up for the job. The 15 trees have been purchased with grant money and the community service project is a
Pavilion construction flaws prove costly

Feb. 2, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Reports of unfinished work, concrete failures and shoddy workmanship at McClumpha Park in Plymouth Township have led to unnecessary costs and labor expenses over the past year, according to Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt Heise. Last week, Township Park Foreman Steve
Almost there

Jun. 24, 2017 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News New Plymouth Township Park Foreman Bob Mazarowski said work is near completion on a new ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) accessible playscape in McClumpha Park. The 70 by 100-foot structure is designed for ages 5 and older and includes a
State requires corrections at park project

Aug. 22, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Officials from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) have determined that the 4-acre, 209-spot parking lot under construction in McClumpha Park in Plymouth Township is in violation of state regulations. Following a
Parking lot violations threaten water quality

UPDATED Aug. 13, 2005 PLYMOUTH EAGLE Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Officials from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) have determined that the 4-acre, 209-spot parking lot under construction in McClumpha Park in Plymouth Township is in violation of state regulations. Following a one-day
Officials deny confrontation

Jul. 15, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Despite multiple internet and social media accounts, police reports show only that Plymouth Township Treasurer Ron Edwards was involved in a vehicle accident outside township park last week in preparation for the annual fireworks display and
Builder to replace faulty concrete at pavilion

Snow storm and cold 39-degree temperature didn’t stop township contractor from re-pouring pavilion floor last Wednesday morning. PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News New Plymouth Township Supervisor Shannon Price has responded quickly to the concerns of some residents with property bordering McClumpha Park. The neighboring property owners, many with several