Huron Valley Ambulance
$25,000 savings may have cost woman’s life

Northville Fire Chief Jim Allen Dec. 13, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The recent death of a City of Plymouth resident may have been impacted by a radio problem which delayed 911 response time for more than 25 minutes. According to 911 recordings, the victim’s husband called for help at 1:37 a.m.
Big Question – Are we better off?

August 8, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE OPINION Are Tuesday’s primary election results a vote of confidence for a job well done or proof that money and misinformation can buy results? We think the latter. Are we as safe as we were four years ago? Is our Township as financially sound
OPINION-Failed agenda? City and Township share same playbook

July 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. By: Harold Merritt Plymouth’s city manager, Paul Sincock, plans to tell all area nursing homes and senior residences in the City, they must call HVA Ambulance for any medical emergencies, starting immediately. Plymouth has an inter-local agreement with Northville City since this January to provide
Editorial Opinion – Plymouth’s real smoke screen

It’s not only the Plymouth Township residents who are at risk with a stripped down Fire-EMS service as their Township officials work toward implementing and duplicating the very same public service model-adopted by the City of Plymouth; based on a study provided by ICMA and the nice people at Huron
Recent events in Plymouth Township

June 28, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Recent events in Plymouth Township have prompted officials to hire on-call volunteers to work at the two remaining fire stations on a full-time basis. We think that’s a good start. We think it is unfortunate that two incidents and a death took place before
Why Were Voters Denied Right to Vote?
July 6, 2012 CITIZENS FOR CHANGE . JUNE 2012 – PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP INFORMATIONAL LETTER. THERE IS MORE TO THE CONTROVERSY THAN FIRE AND EMS PROTECTION Trustees deny Plymouth Township residents their rights This letter is about more than the firefighter/EMS issue. It is about citizens being denied answers
Camp 9-1-1 now available

June 21, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Huron Valley Ambulance will offer Camp 9-1-1 again this year for 8-12 year olds interested in emergency services. Camp 9-1-1 campers will tour an ambulance, learn CPR, interact with their local fire and police departments and visit a hospital emergency department. HVA Paramedics and
Officers receive honors

June 21, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Police Sgt. Chris Voorhies and Ofc. Tom Koval were honored by Huron Valley Ambulance with the 2012 Life Saving Award at the annual Emergency Medical Services Recognition Awards Dinner last month. Voorhies and Koval were honored for their life-savings actions during an early-morning
What residents don’t know can (and does) hurt

June 14, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. What you don’t know can hurt you. What people in Plymouth Township don’t know has already hurt some people in the Lake Pointe subdivision, the largest in the township. What people don’t know is that, despite the disingenuous claims of the township officials, they
Layoffs continue, fire station No. 2 is closed

March 8, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. At a special meeting of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees last Thursday, board members voted 6-1 to immediately lay off six firefighters, leaving a full-time staff of 14 to protect a community of 28,000 residents. Following an emotionally charged meeting, Fire Chief Mark