Santa’s visit kicks off Christmas Holidays in Plymouth

Nov. 25, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
By Tony Bruscato
Santa Claus has laid out plans for his annual visit to the City of Plymouth, the day after Thanksgiving on Friday, Nov. 27.
While Santa’s Arrival by fire truck is typically held in Kellogg Park, where he accepts the Key to the City and greets hundreds of Plymouth families, this year Santa will be social distancing by visiting Plymouth children at their neighborhood park.
Santa will board the Plymouth Fire Department’s ladder truck at Plymouth City Hall at 5:45 p.m., with his first stop Kellogg Park.
After receiving the “Key to the City” from Mayor Oliver Wolcott and lighting the Christmas tree, Santa will travel around town to visit boys and girls at their neighborhood parks: Fairground, Lions Club, Wilcox, Garden Club, Rotary, Hough, Kiwanis, Starkweather and Knights of Columbus parks. Santa will be addressing the kids from the fire truck, and will have a special message for those in attendance.
Kids will be able to follow Santa’s trip around town via the Santa Tracker on the City of Plymouth’s Facebook page to know when Santa will arrive at your neighborhood park. You can stand outside your home and wave to Santa along the route, or see him at your neighborhood park for a socially distanced greeting.
And, to add to the fun, children (with the help of their parents) can send a Letter to Santa through the city’s website: for an opportunity to win a $20 Downtown Plymouth gift card.
Plymouth Voice.
Gallery Photo: © Don Howard / Associated Newspapers