Plymouth March Board of Review to convene

Feb. 24, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Property owners who believe the value of their property is not accurately reflected in their 2020 assessment may appeal to the March Board of Review.
The Board of Reviewis a group of appointed officials who hear property ownerswho are dissatisfied with their assessments. The board members have experience in real estate and/or construction and have up-to-date knowledge of market trends. The Board of Review is comprised of 3-members. Each board member must be a registered elector of the respective City or Township and own real property in their municipality. One third of the members are appointed each year by to a three-year term. The board also meets in July and December for the purpose of correcting “clerical errors and mutual mistakes of fact.” Since the passage of Proposal A, in 1993, the boards’ responsibilities have been expanded to address the Principal Residence Exemption Program.
The March Board of Review is only able to hear appeals on the assessed value of the property and cannot hear appeals on the property’s tax bill.
Plymouth city and Plymouth township property owners who would like to appeal the assessed value of their property must provide evidence to the March Board of Review supporting their argument. They may submit a written appeal, which must be received before noon on Mar. 15, for township owners, and Mar. 16 for city property owners, or make an appointment to appear in person on one of the following dates:
City of Plymouth (City Hall)
Wednesday, Mar. 4, 3 to 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, Mar. 5, 9 to 4:00 p.m.
Monday, Mar. 16, 9 to noon.
Plymouth Township (Township Fire Station #1, 9911 Hagggerty Rd., Plymouth)
Monday, Mar. 9, 2- 5:00 p.m. and 6- 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 11, 9- to noon and 1:30 -4:30 p.m.
Property owners appealing assessments, whether in person or in writing, must submit the State of Michigan’s petition form. For more information and appointment visit call the Plymouth City Assessor’s office at 734-453-1234 ext. 252. contact the township assessors office at (734) 354-3267.
Plymouth Voice.