Plymouth Concerned Citizens meet Wednesday

Members of Plymouth Concerned Citizens meet in August at District Library
Sept. 22, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Members of the Plymouth Concerned Citizens, a community activist group of residents from both Plymouth and Plymouth Township, say their membership has grown by tenfold during the past few months. Group leaders said that the increased interest and effectiveness is due to residents joining together and speaking out regarding what they call lack of leadership and poor decisions made by township officials.
Calling themselves frustrated and upset, many believe that township officials and trustees have failed to recognize or determine the wishes of residents, neighbors and the majority of the taxpayers before moving forward making major project commitments.
United in fast-growing numbers, leaders of the group said they are attempting to stop what they say is careless spending. They say they are demanding accountability and making known they want an opportunity to have a voice and vote on issues they claim threaten their lifestyle and personal safety.
Members are quick to cite examples like the construction of a new $850,000 park pavilion and $350,000 outdoor amphitheater, unsafe Fire Department staffing levels, questionable accounting practices-resulting in a U.S Department of Justice forensic audit, withholding of financial information from trustees, constant on-going litigation, including multiple sexual harassment lawsuits against elected officials and a recall campaign set to remove four officials from office.
The group will meet in the Dunning Room of the Plymouth District Library at 7 p.m. this Wednesday. The meetings are open to the public.
Plymouth Voice.