Plymouth City Commission Meeting Summary

Nov. 21, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Meeting Summary Nov. 16, 2020:
The Plymouth City Commission authorized the design phase for the 2021 Street Improvement Project at its regular meeting held via Zoom on Monday, Nov. 16. The authorization allows the City engineer to proceed with designs on the following potential projects: pavement reconstruction on Harvey Street between Ann Arbor Trail and Penniman, reconstruction of Jener Street between Wing and Linden, reconstruction of Hartsough Street between Harvey and McKinley, evaluation and upgrades to the retaining walls on Penniman and Ann Arbor Trail, and crack sealing on a variety of City streets.
The City Commission also approved the 2020-2021 Snow and Ice Control Policy. The City intends to use salt brine as an option to assist in clearing City streets this season after a successful pilot program using the salt brine last winter. Details on the Snow and Ice Control Policy can be found here:
In addition, the City Commission approved the first reading of amendments to the tree ordinance. Proposed amendments include changes to the rate card. A second reading is planned for next month.
Other items of note from Monday’s meeting include the Commission’s approval to transfer delinquent charges to tax bills and the approval of Sun & Snow’s Ski and Board Swap event to be held November 21 and 22 in The Gathering. The approval is contingent on the event following regulations and health guidelines from the State of Michigan.
Plymouth Voice.