PCAC art ice exhibit

Feb. 10, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The Plymouth Community Arts Council is inviting artists and families to create a community-wide Art Ice Exhibit. Inspired by the Plymouth Ice Festival this weekend, the PCAC encourages exhibits in your own yard or apartment patio block.
The www.plymoutharts.com website has details, and a drive by the Sheldon Road PCAC building also offers suggestions. It’s an overnight or two-night Indoor-Outdoor project needing below-freezing temperatures. The preschoolers’ art cube projects on the PCAC website offer ideas, or come up with your own using colored (or not) water.
Nature-friendly stuff can be frozen in the ice using foil pans or empty, clean plastic containers. You’ll need a flat space to work with,
Suggestions for freezables include: hard candies or Lifesavers; sliced or shredded carrots; small pine cones; sliced citrus fruit; apple peels; grapes; tissue paper; dried flowers or fresh petals; or single leaves.
A tea flavor you don’t like, Gatorade, food coloring or Jell-O can be used for coloring water. Take lots of photos, organizers urge, and post them to the PCAC Facebook page and email them to lisa@plymoutharts.com.
You can tag the PCAC on Instagram at #pcacplymouth to be part of the online gallery. A T-shirt, a sketchbook, and certificates for Summer Day Camp are the prizes. You need to post a photo to be entered in the contest.
Ice Festival set to return to Plymouth
Plymouth Voice.