Amphitheater ‘delay’ question by resident

One of 4 recall targets, “Kay Arnold, 75, is the longest serving township trustee.
Oct. 5, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Amphitheater ‘delay’ question by resident
By: Don Howard
Staff Writer

Despite public comments and denials by township officials, it appears the controversial amphitheater project is moving forward.
Township Supervisor Richard Reaume and the majority of the board members voted to place the construction plans on hold last month following public criticism and protests from several residents during board meetings. One week after a recall petition was filed by a grassroots citizen activist group against Reaume, Township Clerk Nancy Conzelman, Treasurer Ron Edwards and Trustee Kay Arnold, Reaume said the amphitheater project would be postponed and included in the review of the township recreation and open space plan discussions scheduled for next year.
At the meeting a week ago Tuesday, however, attorney and township resident Chris Hunter pressed Reaume to explain why the amphitheater project was now a front and center feature on the township website. Hunter asked why the website was recently updated with photos and drawings prepared by the architect if the project was on hold.
Hunter asked Reaume to clarify how he could feature information on the website which seems to indicate the amphitheater is going forward.
Reaume countered that people were asking him about it and he wanted to inform the public, saying he “posts the important things people ask about.”
Hunter also asked the supervisor why he would only include information about the amphitheater and not all of the other proposed park projects, “because this would certainly seem like you were trying to slant any type of survey,” Hunter said. Hunter persisted and wanted to know why the other park projects including the pavilion and dog park were not posted nor was the recall effort.
“You do know about the recall,” Hunter asked Reaume.
“Isn’t it more important to inform the public about a recall, which is going forward than to inform the public about the amphitheater which you tell the public is not going forward?” Hunter asked.
Reaume held up the clock on his iPhone telling Hunter time was up for questions. The architectural firm Becket and Raeder was hired at a cost of $29,800 to provide the amphitheater designs which are posted on the website.
The hotly contested 300-seat amphitheater and bandstand project is part of a $2.5 million capital improvement project board members approved last year. The township sold $1.9 million in bonds to pay for the majority of the project.
“We are going to continue on the recall and hold this board accountable for their actions,” Hunter said after the meeting.
Plymouth Voice.