Library to host jazz singer during festival

Jan. 9, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
This year, the Plymouth District Library will be an active member of the line up of attractions at the Plymouth Ice Festival.
Library Director Carol Souchock said she is looking forward to the event and the participation the library has planned as an event partner this year.
She said a host of library activities will take place during the Ice Festival week-end, Jan. 9-11 that will appeal to all ages.
“Many of us who grew up in southeast Michigan, have fond memories of the ice festival in Plymouth, she said. “We look forward to having the library be a part of those memories.”
The library will warm up crowds with a free concert by jazz vocalist Cynthia Kaay Bennett at 3 p.m. on Saturday. Kaay Bennett will be accompanied by Kevin Korecki on piano and Will Kinsey on Drums.
Souchock said that Kaay Bennett is a native of Ohio who performs jazz standards, country and blues regularly throughout southeast Michigan and north- west Ohio. Her first two jazz CDs, Wish I Knew and That’s the Sprit have been played on more than 50 radio stations in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Her third release, Dreams of You, highlights what Richard Bourcier, Jazz critic of terms as “…warm and classy. Bennett is able to scat in fine fashion and she swings out in style”.
She has been named as one of the top 500 jazz singers of all times by noted jazz critic Scott Yanow of The Jazz Singers: The Ultimate Guide and praised by numerous other jazz periodicals.
The Saturday afternoon concert is free, but Souchock has requested pre-registration at Plymouth library or call (734) 453-0750 ext. 4 so that there will be adequate seating for everyone planning to attend.
On Sunday, the library will serve hot cider and offer fun winter activities from 1-4 p.m.
There will be winter crafts from children of all ages and a Disney sing-a-long. There is no pre registration required for the Sunday events and everyone is invited to drop by and pose for a photo with the ice sculpture and festive reading snow- men at the library.
The library is located at 223 S. Main St. in downtown Plymouth.
Plymouth Voice.