Epstein meets Plymouth Township officials

Jul. 23, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Lena Epstein, Republican businesswoman and candidate for Representative to Congress, 11thDistrict introduced herself to members of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees at the June 26, 2018 board meeting. Epstein faces Republican contenders Klint Kesto, Mike Kowall, Rocky Raczkowski and Kerry Bentivolio in the August 7, Primary Election.
Last year Epstein abandoned her plans to run for the U.S. Senate to run instead for the seat of retiring U.S. Rep. Dave Trott.
“Recent elections have shown that our strongest candidates are those who come from outside of politics-from within the business world-rather than from Lansing,” Epstein wrote in a prepared statement.
Epstein, 35, of Bloomfield Hills, co-chaired President Donald Trump’s Michigan campaign. She co-owns and runs her family’s Southfield business, Vesco Oil Corporation, alongside her sister and a team of managers.
Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt Heise, who also served as a state representative, dropped out of the race for the same 11thDistrict House seat last March, pledging his support for Michigan Senate floor leader Kowall.
Plymouth Voice.
Photo © Don Howard / Associated Newspapers