9-1-1 Memorial Service planned in Plymouth

Sep. 8, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Across the nation this Saturday many 9-1-1 anniversary programs will mark the catastrophic event with remembrance services. One noteworthy ceremony will take place at noon at the Wayne County First Responders Memorial as community leaders and first responders from Plymouth, Plymouth Township, Northville, Northville Township and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office pay formal respect to those who perished 20-years ago on that day.
The ever-present reality and repercussions of that attack are as prevalent today as they were two decades ago.
Since that fateful date, we’ve evolved with four presidential administrations, two wars and a litany of decisions; leaving our country polarized and angry over politics and mandates Yet, we should never forget the attack that took so many innocent lives and always remember that united we stand as one nation, under God, Strangers and Friends, Democrats and Republicans, Blacks and Whites, Men and Women, Rich and Poor.
What can be said that has not been said before?
Hear guest keynote speaker Patrick Anderson, CEO of Anderson Economic Group and 9-1-1 survivor discuss the tragedy from being on the ground on that fateful day.
Anderson, author and graduate of the University of Michigan, has written over 100 published works and is often cited by the national news media. The Michigan Chamber of Commerce awarded Anderson its 2006 Leadership Michigan Distinguished Alumni award for his civic and professional accomplishments. Before founding Anderson Economic Group, Anderson was the deputy budget director for the State of Michigan under Gov. John Engler and chief of staff for the Michigan Department of State.
The Wayne County First Responders Memorial is located at Haggerty Road and Edward Hines drive in Plymouth Township.
Plymouth Voice.