35th District Court evacuated after gas leak

Dec. 13, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
When Michigan State Police Court Officer, Frank Wren, opened the doors of the 35th District Court Building on Plymouth Road at 7:30 this morning he immediately knew something was seriously wrong. Wren who was first to arrive and reported the emergency to the fire department said, “The place was filled with gas.”
The usually busy court building was taped off by the Plymouth City Police who were first to respond to the 911 call, and court employees and visitors were directed to the Court House Grill parking lot on Plymouth Road.
The Northville Fire Department-Plymouth City Fire Station dispatched the fire engine housed there and several volunteer-on-call firefighters to try to find the source of the apparent gas leak. It was determined that a contractor working on a boiler yesterday damaged a connector or pipe, leading to the infusion of gas throughout the court building.
The Plymouth Community Fire Department was not contacted for mutual aid even though the Court House Grill where evacuees from the building were sent is within the township boundaries. The court building itself is located in the city.
Judge Ron Lowe said the cases scheduled to be heard and other court business would all be rescheduled while repairs were completed.