Pure Michigan
Lawmakers shouldn’t waste millions on advertising

Apr. 29, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION The Pure Michigan COVID-19 Virus: Why invite it for a visit? “…And too many people are considering traveling and I’m reiterating: please don’t” By: Michael D. LaFaive The state of Michigan has recommended that its citizens do
Campgrounds are open in Pure Michigan

Jun. 11, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has announced that dispersed camping and state forest campgrounds are open. State park campgrounds will open June 22. Now is the time to plan your Pure Michigan vacation getaway. Adventure awaits at the Huron-Manistee National Forests
Celebrate 100th birthday of our national parks at Sleeping Bear Dunes

Mar. 26, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Go on a Trek Explore breathtaking 360-degree views of Michigan with Google Trek Using Google Trekker technology, attractions such as Mackinac Island, Sleeping Bear Dunes and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore – not previously accessible on Google Street View – now
Think Spring – Pure Michigan; Ann Arbor is alive

Mar. 24, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Arts, Culture, Music: Ann Arbor This summer, A2 becomes A3 — Ann Arbor + Arts Technically, the Ann Arbor Art Fair is four fairs, but whatever the numbers, it adds up to one mind-blowing artistic voyage this July 18-21. The original Ann Arbor Street Art