Northville City Fire Department
9-1-1 Emergency dispatch system is upgraded

Sep. 14, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News By Don Howard Staff Writer ‘The dispatch protocol varies for City of Plymouth callers. The city relies on the police department as first on-scene responders…’ The true first responders in emergencies aren’t the police or fire personnel who appear
“Undercover cop” pleads not guilty

September 6, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The on-call Northville firefighter recently charged by Northville Township police for unauthorized use of emergency lights on his personal vehicle pleaded not guilty Sept. 29 during a pre-trial hearing before Judge James Plakas at the 35th District Court. Simon Wilkinson, 45, was arrested in
Fake cop or good samaritan? Courts will decide

August 1, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE Behind the Flashing Lights By: Harold Merritt A telephone inquiry to Northville Township police last week led to the arrest of a volunteer firefighter suspected of impersonating a police officer. The caller told the police dispatcher that she wanted to verify the identification of an
OPINION-Failed agenda? City and Township share same playbook

July 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. By: Harold Merritt Plymouth’s city manager, Paul Sincock, plans to tell all area nursing homes and senior residences in the City, they must call HVA Ambulance for any medical emergencies, starting immediately. Plymouth has an inter-local agreement with Northville City since this January to provide