Big millage question on Tuesday’s ballot for Plymouth voters

Nov. 5, 2023 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth voters will be asked on Tuesday to approve a new 1.75 mill tax to fund new recreation opportunities for the city. The new tax, if approved on the Nov. 7 ballot, would be in effect for 12 years and would
Finally – relief for Canton Center Road drivers

Apr. 20, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Thanks to the passage of the Canton Township Road Improvement Program work has finally begun on Canton Center Road, one of the most pothole-infected roads in the entire Plymouth-Canton area. In 2018 township voters passed a 20-year millage targeted for road
Canton OK’s public safety millage

Two new ambulance rigs sit in front of Canton Township Fire Station in 2013 TSept. 9, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News In Canton, voters gave the board of trustees the authority to raise public safety taxes without voter approval several years ago Canton Township officials unanimously