Detroit House of Corrections
Land dispute prompts trustee questions

Mar. 26, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. “The supervisor is the chief assessment officer of the township” (Pictured above, Richard Reaume, Plymouth Township Supervisor) A four-hour meeting of the township clerk, treasurer, supervisor and city attorney took place last Thursday, apparently prompted by questions asked during the regular meeting of the Plymouth
Land transaction raises many questions

Mar. 19, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Opinion Too good to be true If it sounds too good to be true…it probably is. That may be the lesson officials in Plymouth Township are internalizing as they realize the great “deal” they authorized for the purchase of 323 acres
Detroit files to reclaim land from township

Mar. 13, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. UPDATED – TO INCLUDE AFFIDAVIT – DISCUSSED AT TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING Plymouth Township Trustee, Chuck Curmi questioned the best township position and future plans for the Detroit House of Corrections farm property regarding the City of Detroit Affidavit Affecting Real Property at the
Detroit disputes what it calls illegal sale of old jail site to Plymouth Township

September 26, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Detroit disputes what it calls illegal sale of old jail site to Plymouth Township By Eric D. Lawrence Detroit Free Press Staff Writer Detroit officials are weighing what to do about a piece of land that a city Law Department report claims was illegally
Detroit officials may seek property

August 2, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Township resident and declared candidate for supervisor Richard Sharland attended his second meeting in two weeks with City of Detroit officials. The meetings came as a result of Sharland’s investigation of a property sale for back taxes by Wayne County. Plymouth Township purchased the