Coffee with a cop
Canton’s Coffee-with-a-Cop returns

Feb. 8, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The popular “Coffee with a Cop”: gathering returns this Saturday, Feb. 12, providing an opportunity to meet your local Canton Police officers. Both Canton Police and Ordinance officers will be in attendance and would like to invite neighborhood residents and business
Coffee with a Cop planned

Nov. 19, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Coffee With A Cop is one of those good ideas that work. It’s a national effort and 1 to 2-hour sessions with local officers and anyone from the public who wants to show up have taken place across the country. Some,
Coffee with a cop served

Nov. 19, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Canton residents can join members of the police force from 7-9 p.m. Nov. 22 at the Summit on the Park 55+ Club Room. Coffee with a Cop is open to the public and provide a unique opportunity for community members