Layoffs continue, fire station No. 2 is closed

March 8, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. At a special meeting of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees last Thursday, board members voted 6-1 to immediately lay off six firefighters, leaving a full-time staff of 14 to protect a community of 28,000 residents. Following an emotionally charged meeting, Fire Chief Mark
Conflict of ‘interest’? Citizens group files court appeal; request for fire run records denied

February 16, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Township residents have filed suit with the Michigan Court of Appeals in an effort to derail the 10-mill question members of the Township Board of Trustees placed on the Feb. 28 ballot. After more than 4,000 residents petitioned for a 1-mill Special Assessment
Attitude adjustment is needed
February 16, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Not to keep harping on the same broken strings, but what in the world is going on in our local governments these days? We’re simply aghast at the overt disregard of many public officials for the welfare and concerns of the public. Sure, we
Fire fighters’ actions saved drivers’ lives
February 16, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The pictures on the front page of our edition last week were shocking evidence of the destruction a head-on collision of two speeding cars leaves behind. The photos were graphic, with caved in roofs and so much damage to the front ends of the
Board hikes ballot question to 10 mills
December 22, 2011 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Township residents will have the opportunity in February to vote on the question of paying a special millage to fund the fire department, although the ballot language is far from that sought by the Citizens Action Group. The board vote to approve the
Judge upholds fire millage petitions
December 8, 2011 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The Citizens Action Group of Plymouth was successful with a second lawsuit in Wayne County last week. Judge Wendy Baxter ruled that the Citizens Action Group had, in fact, submitted the necessary petition signatures to place a dedicated tax assessment to fund the fire
Judge rules against fire petition drive
December 1, 2011 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Township officials were not ordered by the Circuit Court to place a dedicated millage to support fire department services on the February ballot. The Citizens Action Group of Plymouth Township had petitioned the court seeking the ballot question and an injunction to stop
Citizen group proves “You can fight city hall”
November 23, 2011 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. No matter what the outcome of the hearing in Wayne County Circuit Court may be, members of the Citizens Action Group in Plymouth Township deserved a resounding thank you from residents across the state. These people have taken the elected leaders in their municipality
Citizens group sues Plymouth Township
November 23, 2011 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The Citizens Action Group of Plymouth Township has filed a suit in Wayne County Circuit Court against Plymouth Township. The suit, filed by Plymouth attorney Lisa Stempien, alleges the township officials have violated, “The rights of the Elecorate of Plymouth Township for failure to
Protesters demand fire millage vote
November 17, 2011 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. A large crowd of demonstrators marched outside Plymouth Township Hall Tuesday evening just prior to a scheduled meeting of the board of trustees, attempting to get the attention of the elected officials. It may have worked. The marchers carried signs with the message, “We