Library hosts meeting of state Historical Commission

Jack Dempsey, President of the Michigan Historical Commission
Sep. 29, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The Plymouth District Library hosted a meeting of the members of the Michigan Historical Commission members last week.
The meeting was open to the public who were invited to join the 10 commission members each appointed by the governor.
The commission utilizes state history to reinvent Michigan and preserves the cultural environment through the sharing of stories, active learning, and historical preservation.
The Michigan Historical Commission, in conjunction with the Michigan Historical Center, addresses such efforts as the Michigan Historical Markers, the Southeast Michigan Water Project, Capitol Park in Detroit and the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War project. Commission goals include diversity and inclusiveness, public history and outreach, educational achievement and stewardship.
Plymouth Township resident Jack Dempsey serves on the commission and welcomed the public to the library for the meeting.
Local history is readily available at the library, through the online local history portal and on the reference floor, noted Library Director Carol Souchuk. Librarians can provide assistance, in addition to access to the Plymouth Mail Newspaper dating 1887-1914, high school yearbooks dating back to 1913, census records, historical electronic photo collection, local Arcadia Press books, and other research material.
The library is located at 223 S. Main St. in Plymouth. For more information, call (734) 453-0750.
Plymouth Voice.