Fractured township board fights to agree

WATCH VIDEO Plymouth Townships narcissistic and angry treasurer again unleashes his disgusting behavior.
Nov. 17, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
In-fighting, open disrespect and the covert plans of a select-few continually impair the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees and sink any credibility as true representatives of the citizenry that elected them to office.
The board’s Nov. 12 meeting was no exception when Treasurer, Ron Edwards once again usurped the supervisory privilege of Township Supervisor, Richard Reaume.
In a direct rebuttal to a minutes-earlier offer from the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) spokesperson that asked the township to participate in a feasibility study, Edwards surprised and alienated other uninformed trustees as he rolled out his plan to create a Plymouth Township Recreation Center.
PARC has plans to re-purpose the site of former Plymouth High School, now Plymouth Middle School, into a community-wide recreation complex to serve Plymouth, Plymouth Township and Canton.
Edward’s who budgeted $50,000 to study his undefined township plan met firm opposition from trustee Bob Doroshewitz, while Reaume had no comment.
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