Broken shock absorbers, bent wheels, flat tires and cussing

Aug. 31, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
At long last relief is in sight for Plymouth motorists who for years have suffered the rough railroad surface crossing at North Main Street and Amelia.
The repairs underway by CSX will provide a brand-new panel, ties, plates and fasteners an occurrence that only happens on the average of every 10 to 12 years. No one seems to know the estimated completion date, but everyone will surely enjoy the smooth ride.
The responsibly for the pavement condition of the city’s vehicle crossings lies in the hands of the CSX railroad, not the Michigan Department of Transportation, nor the State of Michigan or the City of Plymouth. However, your state senator may be able to initiate railroad action to facilitate a crossing repair if he or she is so inspired by enough irate constituents.
According to CSX, Plymouth City Manager Paul Sincock has the best communication link and is the contact for notices and railroad schedules in the city.
Detours are in place.
Plymouth Voice.