Veterans plan special event

Sept 21, 2017 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The local Plymouth Canton Vietnam Veterans Chapter 528 will be hosting a special event at the end of the month.
The 50th Commemorative Picnic will take place Sept. 30 at the Plymouth VFW Post 6695, located at 1426 S. Mill St. This event is free to all Vietnam veterans, and their families, as a way to say thank you for their service. A barbeque and family activities will be included at the event.
There will be information about Hepatitis-C, Agent Orange and other medical conditions available along with facts about benefits, veterans’ services and an Honor and Remember Flag Ceremony.
The highlight of the event is expected to be the presentation of 50th Vietnam commemorative pins by Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Charles Kettles. The pins will be presented to every Vietnam veteran who attends.
“This is an important event for local Vietnam veterans to attend, not only to be recipients of the 50th Commemorative Pin, receive important veteran’s benefits information, but also to spend some time with fellow veterans and their families,” said Vietnam veteran Bob Dew who helped coordinate the event.
There will be military equipment on display outside, games for all ages, apple cider and fresh donuts in the morning, and the barbeque from 1 until 5 p.m.
For more information, call the Plymouth VFW Post at (734) 459-6700.
Plymouth Voice.
Gallery Photo: © Don Howard / Associated Newspapers