Plymouth Michigan New
Oath of office

Jan. 23, 2017 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Wayne County Commissioner Joseph Barone (R-Plymouth Township) received the oath of office from his daughters, Olivia and Isabelle Barone, at the commission organizational meeting Jan. 5. Barone is beginning his first full term as a county commissioner after being
Tour D’Ville set for Sept. 24

Sep. 23, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Momentum is building among bicyclists from novice to expert for the Rotary Club of Northville third annual Tour de Ville bicycle tour on Saturday, Sept. 24. The Tour de Ville bike ride is a family-oriented event, not a race, with
Plymouth city commissioner seeks state term

Apr. 20, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth City Commissioner Colleen Pobur will seek the office of state representative from the 20th District in the November election. Pobur, 57, announced her candidacy last week at the Plymouth Library. She has lived in Plymouth for more than two decades
Canton cops serve coffee

Canton Police Department Community Relations Officer Patty Esselink Jul. 13, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Canton Police Department has scheduled Coffee with a Cop from 9-11 a.m. July 17 at Village Coney Island, 47182 Michigan Ave. These on-going sessions are open to the public and